page updated the 1st of April 2006

Torque installation

      Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake" installation
Installation graphics card nvidia
        Read windows file system
WINE installation
      Torque installation
       JEDIT installation
JEDIT and SUN JAVA installation
TIDE plugin installation
      BLENDER installation

      Q3Radiant installation 

      QuArK Quake Army Knife installation

Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake" installation

Installation graphics card nvidia

This installation could be done from a terminal unix windows :

1. install nvdia driver with synaptic

2. sudo nvidia-glx-config enable

3. reboot your computer in order to set correctly the nvidia driver

Read windows file system

This installation should be done from a terminal Linux windows.

1. sudo mkdir /mnt/windows

2. sudo gedit /etc/fstab

3. add into /etc/fstab the line :

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,user,auto,gid=100,umask=002 0 0

With Ubuntu distribution if you don’t know the name of you hard drive ( /dev/hda1 ) have a look in the file : /boot/grub/menu.lst

You will find a line with this kind of information :

# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-Linux OS # on /dev/hda1 title Windows NT/2000/XP

WINE installation

The installation of wine is mandatory in order to run quark.

Follow the procedure described on this site :

wine hq

Quark works with wine 0.9.7 , don’t try with wine 0.9.8 it crashes.

For more information : bug


Torque installation

You have to buy Torque in order to receive a link to download the software.

1. Download the files on the torque site

2. execute : TorqueGameEngineSDK-1.3.bin

3. Update the launch script in order to avoid issues with saved data from the menu and editor .

4. gedit

5. update the following line as specify below

exec "./$EXENAME" -nohomedir $*

JEDIT installation

JEDIT and SUN JAVA installation

This installation should be done with a terminal Linux window.

1. Download the SUN version of java for Linux : the GPL version of java crash

Install it and make the following link with ubuntu :

cd /etc/alternatives

sudo ln -s /’your installation directory’/bin/java java

2. Download the version of jedit

With ubuntu install the Debian version with Synaptic.

3. Follow the user instruction "JEdit installation and setup" to finish the jedit installation at this web page

TIDE plugin installation

This installation should be done from a terminal Linux window.

1. Display the file to download on sourceforge repository.

2. Download the Torque Script IDE (TIDE)

3. Download ProjectViewer.jar and

4. Put this file into ’your home’/.jedit/jars/ and unzip the files in the directory.

5. Launch jedit : the plugins should appear in the menu pligins.


BLENDER installation

Follow the instructions on this web page

If you use ubuntu distribution :

1. install the blender ubuntu version 2.41 provided with new version of Ubuntu (dapper) , use synaptic and add the following Debian binary package repository :

deb dapper main restricted universe multiverse

2. Download the Dts Exporter and installed it has explained in the link above.

install the last version of the Blender exporter :

Q3Radiant installation 

This installation should be done from a terminal Linux window.
The use of GTKradiant is recommanded instead of quark . The code is in GPL and you don't need wine to use it.
1. Download the rpm file : GtkRadiant

2. Prepare a debian package : sudo alien gtkradiant*.rpm

3.  Install the debian package :  sudo dpkg -i gtkradiant*.deb

4.  launch  :  /opt/gtkradiant/radiant.x86

5. Create a map , by defgault the map are stored in : ~/.q3a/baseq3/maps . The texture are stored into : ~/.baseq3/q3a/textures

6. generation of the dif format from the map : ~/torque/tools/map2difPlus.bin -t ~/.baseq3/q3a/textures ~/.q3a/baseq3/maps/

QuArK Quake Army Knife installation

This installation should be done from a terminal Linux window. The code is in GPL but very complex to update ( mixed language , some language are no more supported ) and you need wine to use it.

1. Download the last version of quark :

Quark download download QuArK 6.5.0 alpha 5 (or the latest version) and install it into your home directory ( unzip the file or the latest)

2. download T Torque engine the Quark To torque wrapper

unzip the file and copy the file map2dif_DEBUG.exe in the directory ./torque/tmpQuArK

3. Setting the Quark configuration

In quark open edit/configuration select torque :

=> set the directories in function of your installation.

=> set to valve220 the fields "output map format" into the torque configuration.